(H)FT Benelux is a cooperation of several Dutch and Belgian airgun clubs, backed up by the Dutch Field Target Association (DFTA).
Together we found a very nice location in the Belgian Ardennes that is ideal for large championships.
(H)FT Benelux would like to invite you to the First Open Benelux Field Target and Hunter Field Target Championships 2018.
When: Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 April 2018
Where: La Ferme du Chateau, in Grupont in Belgium, near Rochefort
This First Open Benelux 2018 is the first championship we organize, and the idea is it will be the first of many.
Field Target – 2 x 50 targets, set to WFTF rules
Hunter Field Target – 2 x 40 targets, set to WHFTO rules
The course on Sunday will be the same as on Saturday, but slightly altered.
The total of the results for both days will count for the championship.
16.3 Joules maximum (12 foot pounds)
Classes: Open, Recoiling, Ladies, Juniors and Veterans.
The number of participants for this first Open Benelux is limited to 125 shooters.
Please see our invitation (which also includes information about registration and entry fees):
http://www.h-ft-benelux.eu/wp-content/u ... tation.pdf
And have a look at our brand new website (which is still a bit basic at the moment, but we'll add more and more info in the next few weeks).
First Open Benelux 2018
Leon Peute, DFTA, Netherlands